hello@z2z.com 0333 0444 354


“Ensure every aspect of your public profile is free from mistakes by using Zarywacz to check your documents and web sites.”

Magnifying Glass

Even a small typo can take a customer’s attention away from the carefully prepared message you need to get across. People give up very fast when they find an error or don’t understand something, so making sure everything is correct and easy to read keeps them interested.

Don’t let errors lose you sales

A proofreader picks up these mistakes, and anything else that’s not quite right, so you can correct them before going to print or publishing online.

This saves embarrassment and protects your investment in copywriting, design, production and the time spent in putting these all together.

It can also save the cost of answering unnecessary enquiries when prices, dates, times or other product details are unclear to customers.

More value than just good spelling

Proofreading gives you more value than make sure the letters and words are in the right order. As a rule we also review:

  • Spelling, grammar & punctuation – ensures correct language supports your professional image
  • Page numbers, headers & footers, titles & headings – making documents easy to navigate
  • Prices, dates, times & contact details –  so customers know they can trust your information
  • Sense & meaning – so readers understand your messages quickly and easily
  • Product names & design elements – maintaining the quality and consistency of your branding

If you’re not satisfied with your text once proofread and decide it needs substantial editing or rewriting, see our Copywriter service.

Use a fresh pair of eyes to catch those typos

At Zarywacz, we appreciate that clients often have important deadlines to meet, and we can often work flexibly to keep to your production schedule.

We usually proofread remotely and email you back marked-up proofs, although we can visit your offices by arrangement.

It’s been a long time since we marked up paper copies, and now work with digital proofs to:

  • Provide PDFs annotated with on-screen notes
  • Provide Word documents marked up through ‘Track Changes’
  • Correct text online through content management systems

“Give your communications the best chance to do their job effectively. To discuss what you need to be proofread, call us.”

Telephone: 0333 0444 354
email: hello@z2z.com