hello@z2z.com 0333 0444 354

Robert Zarywacz

Robert Zarywacz started his career with leading international organisations, including British Airways and Baker & McKenzie, before setting out on his own to launch Zarywacz in 1994.

Digital pioneer

Robert’s experience at BA included pioneering work in digital marketing to co-build a 7,000-page online brochure on the BT Prestel videotext system – basically a web site in 1985 – as well as reporting on the airline’s global customer service performance in a weekly management report for the BA board of directors. His roles in large corporations and as a partner in his own business enable Robert to work effectively with corporate clients of all sizes.

Writer and journalist

At Zarywacz, Robert has practised his skills as a copywriter, journalist, event organiser and presenter. For seven years he freelanced as business editor for the North Devon Journal and in February 2019 launched North Devon-based business magazine Business Action, has organised annual local business exhibition BBxpo and in 2020 ran the magazine’s first North Devon Business Awards.

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Robert Zarywacz | Zarywacz z2z.com @robertz | copywriter, editor, journalist
In his own words …

“I’ve always loved words – writing, reading, performing – both for business and pleasure. After a long gap since my first degree in English Literature and Latin, I completed my MA in History in 2019, researching the commemoration of Magna Carta at Runnymede.

“I also love photography and film and, when taking long walks in the countryside of North Devon, am often to be found with my camera.”

Telephone: 0333 0444 354
email: hello@z2z.com