While leading bankers are described by MPs as being in denial, business owners don’t have the luxury of being able to ignore the consequences of day-to-day economic events. And, yes, there is a lot that is grim, but there are also opportunities.
Any business that refuses to see them might as well give up now, because full economic recovery will require relentless effort for some time and it will be businesses, not politicians, who achieve it.
In October I commented on the BBC’s now-famous financial crisis logo with its plunging arrow-head. Coincidentally, when poking around the BBC news site recently I could not find any of these gloomy graphics. Does this mean the BBC recognises it over-stepped the mark and that it had become part of the crisis-generating machine?
Annoyance with our national broadcaster is obviously quite widespread and the Ipswich Evening Star has started its own ‘fightback’ campaign with a cheeky take on the BBC’s logos.
Will it achieve anything? Who knows? Anyway, the paper has made its fightback logo available at its web site for businesses wanting to use it.
There’s also a campaign to highlight positive business news on twitter using the #fightback hashtag.
It’ll take a lot more than logos and slogans to achieve recovery, but perhaps they can start to compensate for the barrage of gloominess for those of us who have to get on and do the work.