Love is in the air.
And all the time I seem to be exhorted to love this and love that. I must love parks or love my heart or cycling or fish or [pluck any word out of the air].
Some people in marketing must have fallen for the love concept big time.
I haven’t.
I like raspberries. I grow raspberries. I like picking and eating plump, juicy raspberries. I like making raspberry jam and raspberry sponges. I don’t love them though.
Nor do I love cars, confectionery, gadgets, television programmes, web sites, power tools or [insert randomly generated name of object].
I love those dear to me: my wife, my family and special people in my life.
This lazy marketing concept debases real love.
Does my wife really want to be placed on the same level as a manufactured dessert or a mass produced garment in a high street store?
Please stop it.
And now I’m going to make sure I don’t say I love this or that so that each time I do use this special word it conveys my full meaning.
Excellent observations, Robert. Love it!
Thanks, Doug. Grrrrrrrrrrr!