Some web sites have an ‘about us’ page, while many don’t.
When I’m searching for a product or service online, I like to know who I’m dealing with.
First, I look for contact details, eg phone number and address, reasoning that a business with a landline number and a physical location seems more permanent than one without these. Now I know that’s not always the case, but it helps to establish trust, especially if I have to hand over my credit card details to make a purchase.
Often I’ll then go to the ‘about us’ page to get an idea of the business I’ll be buying from. This page offers a great opportunity to introduce yourself, your expertise and experience, and how you run your business.
One of the big problems with online purchases is sorting out problems. How many times have we banged our heads against a wall when emails to sale@ or support@ go unanswered and phone calls go through to voicemail, sometimes for days?
I’ve often abandoned good-looking sites without purchasing because there’s no contact details or any suggestion of how the site owner runs the business. It can be too much of a risk to buy from them.
Providing these details is no guarantee of good service, but it does suggest that the web site owner considers customer service important. It helps to build trust and could determine whether a customer buys or not.
An ‘about us’ page gives customers the chance to ‘like’ you. And even if you don’t like this concept, we all know from facebook how powerful the idea can be in people’s minds.
So what is it about you that makes your customer buy?
Posted via email from z2zine