What’s the best tone in which to write? It all depends on what you want to say, who you say it to and what you want to achieve.
Just imagine the response to someone walking into a pub and talking like the press officer of a local council? Probably some strange looks and possibly a phone call for an ambulance to take them away.
Why? Because the institutional language of local government isn’t appropriate in a pub.
So how do you know what voice to use and how to develop a style of writing appropriate for your audience? One way is to read out loud what you write and listen to how it sounds. If you don’t feel you’re good at reading aloud, ask a colleague or associate you trust to read it out and listen to them. Is it language your audience will understand easily? Are they likely to respond to it? Ask what other people you know think of it.
It’s important to remember that words on screen or paper still have to sound right because they are spoken by the silent voices in people’s minds.
Try it and see how your voice sounds.