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When was the last time I followed my own advice?

Sometimes when I read blogs I think I’m back at school. It seems I’m always being told “three things you must do” or “You shalt do this”, especially in the world of social media. Really?

It’s a bit like going a on a training course and remembering that you know nearly everything the trainer tells you, but that you need refreshing and, more importantly, need to put it all into practice.

We seem to be becoming a world of advisers, but is anyone taking any of this advice?

Giving advice is easy, following it is the difficult part.

Of course, much of this advice is marketing disguised to advertise a blogger’s own services. And why not?

The trouble is that I start to feel sore after being beaten with a stick too often.

That is why I want to ‘share’ and ‘like’ things I see rather than berate readers for what they’re doing wrong. Who do I think I am I to do that?

So my advice . . . to myself  . . . is to . . . take my advice . . . and put it into practice.

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