Make your business bloom
As Business Editor of a newspaper, I often received phone calls from people who had started businesses and realised that they hadn’t thought about how to tell everyone. Promotion is vital for start-ups and there are many ways of doing it when you don’t have a big budget. A business ...
Communicating | Marketing | PR tips | pressme | small businesses | Social media
Likes, loves, shares plus recommendations
What is it like? Would you recommend it? What are the plusses? Don’t you just love it? Will you share it? Is it just a numbers game? I’m not sure I know what any of these mean any more as we’re constantly asked to give approval for a blog or ...
Take good care of content
Way back in 1985, in the infancy of online media, I helped build a kind of web site. I say kind of web site because the internet as we know it had not yet been developed. A colleague and I at British Airways built what we called an electronic brochure ...
When was the last time I followed my own advice?
Sometimes when I read blogs I think I’m back at school. It seems I’m always being told “three things you must do” or “You shalt do this”, especially in the world of social media. Really? It’s a bit like going a on a training course and remembering that you know ...
It’s all change in social media
The Google+ redesign is the latest change to shake up social media users. Some like it, some don’t, but what matters is whether people continue to use Google+ and more people take to it. It’s the same with other social media services. It’s surprising that many people still don’t take ...
Who do you trust?
When you’re looking for information on a product or a service, who do you trust? There’s lots of opportunity for reviewing businesses online now, but I hear more and more from people I know provide good quality service who feel they are being unjustly criticised and have little recourse to ...