Make it easy
Clarity is important when readers have so much to read. If they can't understand something, it needs to be very important for them to take the time to re-read it or contact you for clarification.
Communicating | Copywriting | Public Relations | Social media
How to write the best social media profile . . . for you
Remember that your profile is about you: it's personal. It's there to make you stand out, so the more individual you can make it, the more readers are likely to find it interesting. Don't be afraid to experiment, as most sites let you edit your text.
NDBA Business Action magazine available online
We are pleased to publish Business Action magazine on behalf of the North Devon Business Alliance (NDBA), the voice of North Devon Business.
Keeping up with change
Sometimes it's easy to think that everything is changing to fast that it's hard to keep up with every new development. While there certainly is lots of change, when you look closely it's often the case that the fundamentals have not changed much, if at all.
I don’t know
Somewhere there is an answer to every question we could ever think to ask. This is incredibly useful as I certainly don't know everything in this age of social media experts, specialists and gurus.
Cut, cut and cut again
As services such as twitter prove, we can communicate effectively by using words sparingly. Re-read your text and cut what's not essential.