hello@z2z.com 0333 0444 354

Social media

Think before engaging typing finger!

Blogging and services like twitter and facebook can encourage a freer, more light-hearted tone, but at what point does banter start to damage your professional standing when you're blogging for business?

Writing those first words

Many people put off writing because it worries them. This is understandable if you don't feel you're a natural writer, but there really is nothing to worry about.

Communicating | Copywriting |

It’s not what you want to hear

When producing promotional material, it's best to consider what customers find exciting rather than what interests us.

Communicating |

Starting conversations

So much can start with a conversation. In fact, no business can survive without conversations to communicate with its suppliers, employees and customers. Communication is the basis of all business. Whatever your business does, you have to communicate with banks or lenders to obtain finance, with staff to enable your ...

Communicating |

Telephone: 0333 0444 354
email: hello@z2z.com