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PR tips

Make your business bloom

As Business Editor of a newspaper, I often received phone calls from people who had started businesses and realised that they hadn’t thought about how to tell everyone. Promotion is vital for start-ups and there are many ways of doing it when you don’t have a big budget. A business ...

Communicating | Marketing | PR tips | pressme | small businesses |

Don’t be pushy

#SillySeasonPR #12 Don’t be pushy “Come and interview us and we will give you an exclusive story.” “This is our story and this is the angle.” “I sent you a press release, but haven’t seen it in your newspaper.” I’ve heard these a few times lately. They don’t get you off to a very ...

PR tips | Public Relations | sillyseasonpr

Offer comment

#SillySeasonPR #11 Offer comment Journalists and broadcasters are often looking for comment on issues. On one occasion I contacted three architects and managed to get a comment from one. Guess who was featured in the newspaper along with a photo for a few minutes’ work. How do I become a recognised authority on my subject? Issue press ...

PR tips | Public Relations | sillyseasonpr

Not all journalists bite

#SillySeasonPR #10 Not all journalists bite Are journalists special? No more special than other people, although some people can be frightened of them. Should you take care when contacting a journalist? Just as much care as when contacting anyone else. Should you phone or email them? That’s a good question. Some journalists ...

PR tips | Public Relations | sillyseasonpr

The secret of pitching a story

#SillySeasonPR #9 The secret of pitching a story One week I wrote newspaper articles about a new financial services company, a new shop with a community mission, a business celebrating a 30-year anniversary and a business exporting high quality, hi-tech products. How did these businesses pitch their stories? Email to the newsdesk ...

PR tips | Public Relations | sillyseasonpr

Where is everyone?

#SillySeasonPR #8 Where is everyone? Over the past week, I have been asking for comment from businesses for articles that I am writing. I sent emails, but the autoresponders bounced back: “I am currently on annual leave.” I wondered how I would get any comment if there was no one about. This a good ...

PR tips | sillyseasonpr

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