What happens when you don’t proofread?
Publishing and marketing move at such a speed that often there’s no time for proofreading. Even if you don’t worry about commas in the right place or correct use of apostrophes, proofreading ensures that basic information is correct. This is what happened in several cases where text was not proofread ...
Checking your content
Few people like checking documents. If something's been a battle to get finished, you probably just want to see it out the door.
What difference does a single letter make?
I'm surprised that people continue to argue about the need for correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. If you're in any doubt, try working as a proofreader.
Use a style guide for consistency when writing for print or web sites
We've been doing a lot of proofreading lately, which brings to mind just how useful a corporate style guide for writers can be.
The value of accuracy
We all do it: jot things down, bang out an email or a blog. Does it matter if we get a number or something else wrong?
Spelling criteria
What are the criteria for deciding how to use this word?