hello@z2z.com 0333 0444 354


Finding your voice

One of the biggest challenges when writing for business is in selecting the right tone of voice, both for you and your readers.

Communicating | Copywriting

An obligation to entertain

When writing for other audiences, either businesses or theatre audiences, I have an obligation to entertain them. If not, businesses won't read what I write and audiences will lose interest and walk out of a show.

Copywriting | Marketing

Fresh is the marketing key to followers

There's nothing new. There's nothing original. If social media and micro-blogging are blessings, the curse they bring is of endlessly recycled mediocre ramblings.

Copywriting | Marketing

Don’t throw your flimsy briefs at me!

Often a client can want something, but not know what that something is. Our response is to ask questions to identify what they want to help us create it.

Copywriting | Marketing

Structures and signposts help your readers

chapters, effective headings and sub-sections provide useful signposts for readers searching for information or answers


Telephone: 0333 0444 354
email: hello@z2z.com