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Cramming too many words on to a page

More words don't necessarily make it any easier to understand a message. As the 140-character limit of twitter demonstrates, communicating succinctly can be very effective: it concentrates the mind.

Communicating | Copywriting

Making the right sounds

What's the best tone in which to write? It all depends on what you want to say, who you say it to and what you want to achieve.

Communicating | Copywriting

Guaranteed sleep remedies

Some words and phrases are used so much in marketing, advertising and public relations that they have lost their original power.


Public sector dehumanising language

Many councils and public sector organisations trot out the old cliché that 'our people are our most valuable asset'. Well, if that's true, treat them like people and show them some respect when talking about them.

Communicating | Copywriting | Public Relations

More words are not any easier to understand

There is a temptation, especially when an argument is a bit shaky and there is not sufficient evidence to back a point, to write more words in the hope that repeating it will convince the reader.

Communicating | Copywriting

Writing those first words

Many people put off writing because it worries them. This is understandable if you don't feel you're a natural writer, but there really is nothing to worry about.

Communicating | Copywriting |

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email: hello@z2z.com