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Make the front cover with a stunning photo

#SillySeasonPR #7

Make the front cover with a stunning photo #SillySeasonPR

Make the front cover with a stunning photo

We spend a lot of time thinking about the text of a press release, but must not forget the power of photos and images.

I was lucky to take a photo of Ilfracombe, where I live, when the conditions were perfect and I tweeted the view. A lot of people loved the photo and a local estate agent asked if they could use it as the front cover of their magazine which is distributed across the UK.

Now, I try to help promote the town so I agreed, making sure I get a credit for the photo.

I always carry a camera with me to capture those ‘perfect’ shots and it’s a good practice to do this in business, so that when something happens that makes an interesting visual image, you can capture it there and then.

Planned photography, where you can set up specific shots, can be very powerful too.

So don’t neglect images. Very often I receive an interesting press release, but when I ask for a photo, receive a lousy image. These photos are often left out and the stories get lost because they are just a column or two of text. If they were headed by a stunning image, more people would read them.

Take action

Looking out existing photos or thinking up ones you can take is your #SillySeason PR task #7.

Good luck and do ask any questions you have.

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