Write clearly to avoid the reality gap
Sometimes we can spend too much time worrying about the latest Google update, smartphone or OS version and forget that effective communication – for that’s what all these tools are there to support – often needs to be clear and simple. This runs throughout our lives, as I found when ...
Why start at the end when producing long documents?
What’s the best time to manage production of a long document? All too frequently, reverse engineering is required when questions that should have been asked before writing started are asked just before the document is due to go to print. What style do we want? How can we manage content ...
Make it easy for readers to find and understand messages
Running a business is a complex challenge. Whatever the size of organisation, many processes need to run smoothly, while a number of statutory bodies require tax, accounting, health and safety and many more regulations to be observed. How do you get your people to know this and recognise the importance ...
Use the phone to save hours of travel
Face-to-face meetings can be valuable and enjoyable; I always enjoy guided tours of businesses I write about. Sometimes it is necessary to get a really thorough understanding through a visit, but this isn't always the case.