hello@z2z.com 0333 0444 354


Are they interested in what you’re interested in?

When you've got something you want to tell the rest of the world, it's easy to rattle on enthusiastically about what you find interesting, usually something of great value to your business. But how do you know if a journalist or editor will find it interesting too?

Communicating | Public Relations

Was it 25 years ago I first published marketing material online?

In 1985 British Airways promoted me to the grand position of Sales Information Officer. What did that mean? I don't think anyone knew. I wasn't sure myself.

Communicating | Web sites & online

NDBA Business Action magazine available online

We are pleased to publish Business Action magazine on behalf of the North Devon Business Alliance (NDBA), the voice of North Devon Business.

Communicating | | Web sites & online

Keeping up with change

Sometimes it's easy to think that everything is changing to fast that it's hard to keep up with every new development. While there certainly is lots of change, when you look closely it's often the case that the fundamentals have not changed much, if at all.

Communicating |

What’s the story?

What I find exciting about journalism is when I ask someone about their business and they casually drop what seems to them a trivial fact into the conversation which everyone else finds remarkable.

Communicating | Public Relations

If a picture can paint a thousand words . . .

That's already 15 questions in just 71 words, so just think how many questions you could ask in a thousand words. So does that mean words are more effective for communicating than pictures?

Communicating | Copywriting

Telephone: 0333 0444 354
email: hello@z2z.com