hello@z2z.com 0333 0444 354


Are you on benefits?

Every now and then a word gets into my bad books. At the moment, it's 'benefits'.


Who shot the customer?

From pressing the top 10 reasons why I need to do one thing to telling me why doing something else will make me so much money, these people don't realise that beating up your potential customer is not a good start.


Cramming too many words on to a page

More words don't necessarily make it any easier to understand a message. As the 140-character limit of twitter demonstrates, communicating succinctly can be very effective: it concentrates the mind.

Communicating | Copywriting

I don’t know

Somewhere there is an answer to every question we could ever think to ask. This is incredibly useful as I certainly don't know everything in this age of social media experts, specialists and gurus.

Communicating |

Making the right sounds

What's the best tone in which to write? It all depends on what you want to say, who you say it to and what you want to achieve.

Communicating | Copywriting

Public sector dehumanising language

Many councils and public sector organisations trot out the old cliché that 'our people are our most valuable asset'. Well, if that's true, treat them like people and show them some respect when talking about them.

Communicating | Copywriting | Public Relations

Telephone: 0333 0444 354
email: hello@z2z.com