hello@z2z.com 0333 0444 354


Measuring your communications success

So we've developed a communications plan and are putting it into practice by working towards long-term goals and taking short-term actions daily, but how do we know if anything's working?

Communicating | Marketing

Moving your plan forward

If you've been doing everything we've discussed so far, your communications should be starting to work effectively for your business.


Writing those first words

Many people put off writing because it worries them. This is understandable if you don't feel you're a natural writer, but there really is nothing to worry about.

Communicating | Copywriting |

Know why you’re communicating

Your business plan should remind you of your objectives. If you don't have a business plan, it's worth developing one before you start an ambitious communications programme so that you have definite, measurable aims.


Finding your voice

One of the biggest challenges when writing for business is in selecting the right tone of voice, both for you and your readers.

Communicating | Copywriting

It’s not what you want to hear

When producing promotional material, it's best to consider what customers find exciting rather than what interests us.

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Telephone: 0333 0444 354
email: hello@z2z.com