What’s the big idea?
There are millions of pages of web sites and weblogs, but how many provide any real value or entertainment?
It’s hard to find a good copywriter
Last week we were approached by a prospective client to whom our copywriting service had been recommended by a colleague. During our initial conversation they said: "It's hard to find a good copywriter."
Practise or practice?
Practise or practice? They sound the same and look similar, but their meanings are different, so how do you know which one to use?
It’s the principal principle
Principle or principal? They sound the same and look similar, but their meanings are different, so how do you know which one to use?
So what’s wrong with spellcheck?
Nothing. Honestly. Spellcheck can be very useful for skimming through and catching obvious spelling mistakes, but it's not as good as a human being. Just like most technology, its specific uses are matched by its faults. And as long as you recognise its limitations, that's fine.
Writing for clarity
Many people in business are required to write letters, articles and other documents, even though they do not feel confident about their ability to write. What can they do?