hello@z2z.com 0333 0444 354

Web sites & online

NDBA Business Action magazine available online

We are pleased to publish Business Action magazine on behalf of the North Devon Business Alliance (NDBA), the voice of North Devon Business.

Communicating | | Web sites & online

Print or digital?

Just like the myth of the paperless office, printed words and graphics still play a powerful part in marketing and communications.

Communicating | Web sites & online

Wait a minute, I’m looking . . .

. . . for information, for a phone number, for an email address, for details of how to buy from a web site. Trouble is, it's not just a minute. If I add up all the minutes I spend looking for information that should be obvious, it'll probably be hours or days.

Web sites & online

If your web presence is your shop window, keep it fresh!

When we go into a greengrocer’s shop (or a supermarket) and see tired, dried-up fruit and vegetables, we usually pass by and go in search of a store with fresh produce. Well, if your web sites, blogs or other forms of online presence serve as shop windows for your business, it’s ...

Marketing | Web sites & online

Filter tips for better business health in 2009?

How many people are bursting with new content to publish as the year changes from eight to nine? How much of it will be of any value? How much of it will be read? And how much ignored? Whereas we used to hear of information overload, we now hear about ...

Copywriting | Public Relations | Web sites & online

Use a style guide for consistency when writing for print or web sites

We've been doing a lot of proofreading lately, which brings to mind just how useful a corporate style guide for writers can be.

Copywriting | Proofreading | Web sites & online

Telephone: 0333 0444 354
email: hello@z2z.com