
The biggest challenge for any business online is to attract attention. With people bombarded by content, it is difficult to stand out from competitors.

One thing that does capture attention is movement. Video and animations are very effective for this.

Videos are especially effective on social media channels and can also be embedded in your web site.

Business videos and animation

We create straightforward videos – not art movies or feature films – to attract attention and communicate messages.

This can range from animating text to filming interviews.

We write the script, created the animation or film the interview and compile all the elements to produce your finished video.

We can also add voiceovers and music where required.

And we can publish them on video services such as YouTube, embed them in your web site and post them on your social media channels.

Business Action Awards Video

Here is a video we created as a summary of the Business Action North Devon Business Awards 2020 to celebrate all the finalists, sponsors and winners.

One of 14 videos, which were posted on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram TV, Twitter, YouTube and the Business Action web site.

Lights! Camera! Action!

Call us on 0333 0444 354 or email to create your video.

Telephone: 0333 0444 354