Can your press release grab the attention you deserve?

Got a newsworthy story but fear you can’t compete with professionally produced press releases?
Take heart. Not all PR agency produced press releases are effective.

Does your business have some remarkable news?

Are you bursting to tell the world, but every time you go to write a press release or pick up the phone to talk to the media you stop because you’re not a PR professional.

Please, don’t stop.

Over the years, I have written for newspapers and business magazines and received more press releases than I care to remember, both from businesses and from PR agencies and consultants. As you can imagine, these have included effective press releases and not-so-effective press releases.

Not all the effective ones were produced by PR agencies and consultants. Not even an awards logo on the bottom of an agency-written press release can guarantee its effectiveness.

I don’t suggest all or most PR agencies and consultants do not provide value, especially as pressme exists to produce press releases for paying clients, but there’s nothing to say that you can’t produce a press release that will match the best.

I know this because in my long experience as a journalist and editor I have received powerful press releases written by businesses themselves.

Now, it could be that you don’t have the time or really don’t feel able to write a press release. That’s perfectly fine. In the same way we employ an accountant because we want a professional to calculate our taxes.

But if fear of your press release competing with those written by professionals is all that holds you back, cast those worries aside.

What’s important is to get your story out there for the benefit of your business. This could be by using a PR professional or by doing it yourself.

Your story needs to be heard.

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